07786 296163
Providing relief to those in need by reason of age or disability.
Caring for some of society’s most vulnerable.
Creating unique combined residential opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and the elderly and linking them with extensive leisure facilities which will be shared with the local community.
Aiming for excellence, sustainability, community involvement, innovation and economy,
and seeking to demonstrate an entirely new way of providing Care.
Background information.
The Better Living Project is co-ordinated by Maggie Gilbert, who has more than 40 years’ practical experience in hands-on care for the very young, the elderly and the learning disabled. Caring for her elderly parents in their latter years until their deaths and the continued care of her youngest daughter who has severe learning disabilities,
Aims of the CIO.
By developing a uniquely innovative way of providing care for some of society’s most vulnerable members, creating combined residential opportunities for adults with learning disabilities and the elderly and linking them with extensive leisure and social facilities which will be shared with the local community,